1. 首先,选择取消布线,Tools>>Un-Route>>All,[快捷键:U,A] 。
2. 选择Auto Route>>All。Situs Routing Strategies对话框弹出。按一下Route All。Messages显示自动布线的过程。
Situs autorouter提供的结果可以与一名经验丰富的设计师相比,如图所示,因为它直接在PCB的编辑窗口下布线,而不用考虑输入和输出布线文件。
3. 选择File>>Save [快捷键:F,S]来储存用户设计的板。
注:线的放置由autorouter通过两种颜色来呈现:红色,表明该线在顶端的信号层;蓝色,表明该线在底部的信号层。要用于自动布线的层在PCB Board Wizard中的Routing Layers设计规则中指定。此外,注意电源线和地线要设置的宽一些。
因为最初在PCB Board Wizard中确定我们的板是双面印刷电路板,用户可以使用顶层和底层进行手工布线。为此,从菜单中选择Tools>>Un-Route>>All,[快捷键:U,A]来取消布线 。和以前一样开始布线,在放置线的时候使用*键来切换层。 Altium Designer软件在切换层的时候会自动的插入必要的过孔。
注意 : 由自动布线器完成的布线将显示两种颜色:红色表示顶部信号层布线和蓝色表示底层信号层布线。可用于自动布线的信号层定义是符合 PCB Board Wizard 中的布线层设计规则约束。还要注意两个电源网络布线更宽的间隔符合两种线宽规则约束。不必担心,如果在你的布线设计不完全如上图所示的一样。器件摆放的位置将不会完全一样,也可能是不同的布线样式。
Altium Designer是一个规则驱动的板设计环境,您可以在其中定义多种类型的设计规则,以确保您的板的完整性。通常,在设计过程的开始时设置设计规则,然后验证设计是否符合设计过程中的规则,以及设计过程结束时的规则。
1.选择 Design»Board Layers & Colors (快捷按键: L) 并确认复选项 Show 及 System Colors 区的DRC错误标记选项已被选取,这样DRC错误标记将被显示。
2.选择 Tools»Design Rule Check (快捷按键: T, D),打开 Design Rule Checker 对话窗口,使能 online 和 batch DRC 选项。
3.鼠标点击窗口左边的 Report Options 图标,保留缺省状态下 Report Options 区域的所有选项,并执行 Run Design Rule Check 命令按钮,随之将出现设计规则检测报告。并将同时弹出一个消息窗口。
4.点击违例条款 Silkscreen over Component Pads ,用户将跳转到相应违例报告区域。
5.点击违例条款 Silkscreen over Component Pads 的任一条记录,用户将跳转到PCB,并放大显示出现违例的设计区域。注意,放大的倍数取决于在 System - Navigation 环境配置内的设置。
6.显示每项违例的细节, 如上图所示。注意用户可以通过 View Configurations 窗口内的 DRC Detail Markers 配置违例的图形显示颜色。
7.需要找出所有实际违反丝印与焊盘间安全间距规则约束的对象,可以选择菜单 Reports»Measure Primitives 命令。注意,用户可以通过快捷功能按键 CTRL+G 修改电气栅格的值。如5mil。
Switch back to the PCB document and you will see that the transistor pads are highlighted in green, indicating a design rule violation.
1.Look through the errors list in the Messages panel. It lists any violations that occur in the PCB design. Notice that there are four violations listed under the Clearance Constraint rule. The details show that the pads of transistors Q1 and Q2 violate the 13mil clearance rule.
2.Double-click on an error in the Messages panel to jump to its location on the PCB. Normally you would set up the clearance constraint rules before laying out your board, taking account of routing technologies and the physical properties of the devices. Let's analyze the error then review the current clearance design rules and decide how to resolve this situation.
3.Open the PCB Rules and Constraints Editor dialog (Design»Rules). Expand the Electrical, then the Clearance rule type. There will be one Clearance design rule, click on it to display its settings.
4.Note that this rule requires All objects to be away from All other objects, at least 13mil. Since the clearance between the transistor pads is less than this, they generate a violation when we run a DRC.
5.We know that the minimum distance between the transistor pads is just over 10mil, so let's set up a design rule that allows the clearance constraint of 10mil for the transistors only.
6.Select the Clearance type rule in the Design Rules folder on the left of the dialog, right-click on it, then select New Rule to add a new clearance constraint rule.
7.Click on the new Clearance rule, Clearance_1. Change the Name to Clearance_Transistors, and set the Minimum Clearance to 10mil in the Constraints section.
8.The final task is to set the Scope, or Full Query for the rule. There are a number of ways the rule could be scoped, the most appropriate in this case would be to target the rule to any component that uses the transistor footprint. To do that, select the Advanced (Query) option (in the upper section of the dialog), then click the *Query Builder button to open the Building Query from Board dialog.
9.Click Condition/Type Operator dropdown to Add first condition, and select Associated with Footprint from the list.
10.Set the Condition Value to BCY-W3/E4 (the footprint type being used by the transistor), then click OK to close the dialog. The new design rule should look like the figure shown below.
Design rule to set the clearance for all components using a specific footprint.
11.Click OK to close the PCB Rules and Constraint Editor dialog. The online DRC will run automatically, clearing the errors.
12.To confirm that the transistor pad clearance violations have been resolved, run the batch design rule check again (Tools»Design Rule Check). When the report opens scroll down and confirm that there are no violations.